Funded By the Coordinated FAmily & Community Engagement Grant From the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care

The Central Office is located at 4 Maple Road in Oxford, housed on the top floor of the Oxford Community Center.
A.M. Chaffee Elementary School - Grades Pre-K - 1
Clara Barton Elementary School - Grades 2 - 4
Oxford Middle School - Grades 5 - 7
Oxford High School - Grades 8 -12
339 Main Street
Oxford MA 01540
(508) 987-6003
Oxford is located in Worcester County, Massachusetts, approximately 11 miles south of Worcester, MA. Oxford is the birthplace of Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross. Oxford is also the birthplace of Elliot Joslin, the first doctor in the United States to specialize in diabetes and founder of today's Joslin Diabetes Center.
Located at 4 Maple Road, the Oxford Community Center provides opportunities to enrich the quality of life of its citizens through recreational/cultural/healthful living programming.
Providing free emergency grocery assistance to any family living in Oxford, as well as non-residents who are registered members of an Oxford Church.

A free clothing store operated out of the Tabernacle of Praise church at 10 Maple Road. Normally open Thursdays from 5-8 pm.