Funded By the Coordinated FAmily & Community Engagement Grant From the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care

Webster Public Schools
41 East Main St.
Webster MA 01570
Park Ave Elementary School - Grades Pre-K - 4
Webster Middle School - Grades 5 - 8
Bartlett High School - Grades 9 -12
Currently temporarily housed in the Town Hall
350 Main Street
Webster MA 01570
Webster was first settled in 1713 and was officially incorporated on March 6, 1832. The area forming the town had previously been divided among the town of Dudley, the town of Oxford and an unincorporated gore. The primary founder was the manufacturer Samuel Slater. He named the town after his friend Daniel Webster.
Webster-Dudley Food Share, Inc. - United Church of Christ is a food pantry.
Food pantry service hours: Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30 - 11:30 am. .
We are open to the towns of Southbridge, Charlton, Dudley and Webster and we provide support to stay-at-home and working mothers.
Our goals include:
Providing a forum for relevant topics to mothers;
Engaging in activities to enrich the lives of our children and parents;
Performing service projects to benefit mothers and children.
Great Futures Start Here!